Breathe Better, Live Better; World Ventil8 Day Breathe Better, Live Better; World Ventil8 Day

8th November 2023 is World Ventil8 Day and we, along with other leading organisations, are using it to raise awareness of the importance of ventilation when it comes to the health and wellbeing of people.

At Domus Ventilation, we’ve been extolling the benefits of good ventilation for decades.  A well ventilated home isn’t just one that’s more comfortable to live in, but it’s a healthier home where air pollutants and infectious diseases are dissipated, and where damp and mould are prevented from forming.

Understanding the sources of indoor air pollution in our homes is key.  Did you know, for example, that some of the leading causes of indoor air pollution are frying meat, cleaning products and air fresheners?  And we have to contend with external pollution – such as traffic fumes – entering our homes.  Even the very fabric our buildings are constructed from emit pollution in the form of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC).  We can make some changes to reduce the impact of these pollutants, but good ventilation is fundamental to dispelling them and reducing their potentially harmful impact.  This year’s World Ventil8 Day theme – “Breathe Better, Live Better” – aims to clearly demonstrate this.

The Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) is coordinating World Ventil8 Day and has a range of activities taking place this year, including a social media debate involving leading industry, academic and political figures, including Professor Cath Noakes, Professor of Environmental Engineering for Buildings at the University of Leeds. 

This may only be the second year for World Ventil8 Day, but already this awareness day has attracted considerable attention from the general public, media and politicians.  Join us in helping to spread the news and give the subject of ventilation the serious attention it deserves!

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